Wednesday, January 10, 2007

two very important p's

none other than Plumbing and Painting!

This past weekend we took advantage of some helping hands and painted pretty much the entire place (at least with first coats). Here is Joan (Megan the Vegan's mum) doing the heinous work of painting along the ceilings edge: I say this is the worst job but she likes it; so much as to say it's her favourite job!!! Crazy... is what I say!

While the ladies were doing the painting, Dave tried his hand at plumbing [insert suspensful music here] and alas after extensive blow torch use, one bent copper joint, a quick trip to home depot, and one burn to the forearm... it was DONE! It looks great and more importantly doesn't leak! Who knew, but as it turns out I've found me a plumber who's plumber butt I don't mind looking at (he he he!!)


Unknown said...

Oh boy - you can really bring the cheese when you need too!

Looking forward to seeing this fancy schmancy new apartment - and using that crazy indoor plumbing as well

Trevor Deane-Freeman said...

Now is she painting your place white or is she painting it brown. I really can't tell without a progression of photos.

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