Monday, January 08, 2007

Hello world.. I'm back!

Well... after a long time away from blog land, and then some username problems with blogger, I'm back baby... I'm back.

What has been happening since the last time I posted... A LOT OF RENOVATIONS! Dave and I have been working on the new place for what seems like eons, though it has only been 5 weeks. It's coming along and we should be ready to move in by our deadline of Jan. 27th.

As you can see the demolition was extensive: It seems as though we removed everything but the windows and the concrete walls that surround the place. But since then it has been onward and upward... more posts to come with the latest renovation news; for now, I'm happy to have returned to Blogville.


1 comment:

Judy said...

Wow, looks like a lot of work!
Glad to see you back - I pop by your blog every few days, and I was holding out for next post.
Good luck with all the renos!