Wednesday, January 31, 2007

We've Moved!!!

I can't believe it, but we finally moved and are in our new place. It's crazy that we don't have to go back and forth between the two houses and that we can shower, use the toilet, wash the dishes... all the things that you can do in a regular house!

It's been kind of sad leaving the Queens Quay house, it was Dave and my first place together and we've had great times there. Here's me (and Emeryt, my 34 year old teddy bear) saying good bye: to come... photos of the new place all finished up (minus base boards, white electrical outlets, a cooktop, pot lights, oven, dishwasher... but who's counting).

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

The worker bees

Oh how I do love our worker bees... they came out in full force and oh boy does it show! They mortared, they tiled, they grouted and thanks to them we've got one gorgeous shower:
We also now have kitchen cabinets and countertops - by golly, I think we're the luckiest people in all the land:
Finally, yesterdays pièce de résistance [drum roll please] we now have running water AND a bathroom sink AND a functioning toilet (turns out that Dave is quite the plumber!) Photo to come, don't wory... you'll get to see his handy work.

I'll leave you with a photo of our fabulous new pantry (thanks Andy for the great design and idea!)

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

two very important p's

none other than Plumbing and Painting!

This past weekend we took advantage of some helping hands and painted pretty much the entire place (at least with first coats). Here is Joan (Megan the Vegan's mum) doing the heinous work of painting along the ceilings edge: I say this is the worst job but she likes it; so much as to say it's her favourite job!!! Crazy... is what I say!

While the ladies were doing the painting, Dave tried his hand at plumbing [insert suspensful music here] and alas after extensive blow torch use, one bent copper joint, a quick trip to home depot, and one burn to the forearm... it was DONE! It looks great and more importantly doesn't leak! Who knew, but as it turns out I've found me a plumber who's plumber butt I don't mind looking at (he he he!!)

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

floors, floors wonderful floors

so, after yesterdays post showing nothing but mess.. i'm happy to show the beginnings of the place coming together.

Before we went away to Vancouver for the holidays, we managed to get all of the flooring into the place... here is our sea of floor: We used a walnut laminate, as we didn't think that traditional Hardwood flooring was the way to go in a condo (the price different between it and laminate is a little unbelievable!) In the bathroom we used a porcelain tile, which in a bit of a freakish conicedence is the same colour as the floors in the rest of the place.

More photos to come tomorrow....

Monday, January 08, 2007

Hello world.. I'm back!

Well... after a long time away from blog land, and then some username problems with blogger, I'm back baby... I'm back.

What has been happening since the last time I posted... A LOT OF RENOVATIONS! Dave and I have been working on the new place for what seems like eons, though it has only been 5 weeks. It's coming along and we should be ready to move in by our deadline of Jan. 27th.

As you can see the demolition was extensive: It seems as though we removed everything but the windows and the concrete walls that surround the place. But since then it has been onward and upward... more posts to come with the latest renovation news; for now, I'm happy to have returned to Blogville.
