Monday, September 25, 2006

snaps and 'caps (mushroom that is)

Tonight I needed to make up for an entire weekend spent outside of my kitchen. So we started with making a great dinner
Those are double baked potatoes stuffed with brocolli, soy cheese and S&P - they were really good and the tops got nice and crispy. mmm... With those I had a roasted portobello mushroom marinated in balsamic vinegar, olive oil, basil and oregano. I wasn't expecting much, but it really turned out fantastic - so sweet and soft. Then ofcourse some roasted asparagus with olive oil and S&P.

After dinner, we were both craving something sweet so I went through the pages of my cookbooks and found a recipe for Dad's Molasses Cookies. In the midst of mixing my dry ingredients, I realized that I was missing allspice and ground ginger. We went out and Dave suggested that we check out the little convenience store underneath our apartment - I bet him that he wouldn't have it, but low and behold there it was (and I didn't even need to pay through the roof for convenience!)

These are them in the oven:
Dave and I just stared through the oven door for what seemed like the 12-14 minutes of baking - I think we were really looking forward to some ginger snappin' action!

And finally, these were them:


Dreena said...

That is the first pic I have seen on a blog of cookies actually baking up in the oven - very cool shot and they look delicious all done and ready to eat too!

oh, of course I found your blog via Megan!! :)

Unknown said...

are those from VwaV?

Trevor Deane-Freeman said...

Wow! I had five hint of lime Doritto's and five chichen fingers last night. Guess I should have skipped Tennis huh?

Don't Get Mad, Get Vegan! said...

Mmmm, those cookies look perfect!

Judy said...

It's surpising what one can find in the apartment convenience store.
The cookies look awesome, and I don't even like ginger snaps!

The Urban Granola said...

Dreena - thanks for the blog visit. It was Dave's idea to take it, and he actually figured out the settings that would work on the camera (credit to him!)

Meg - nope, they're from that book I picked up in Victoria "One Smart Cookie"

Trevor - Yes, you should have come for dinner (but the invite is always open!)

Don't get mad...- I have to say, they were pretty darn good!

Judy - the one thing the store didn't have was bubble bath (I wanted a bubbly bath one time) but since then, the owenr has promised to stock up on some!